Friday, October 2, 2009


This morning I woke from the following dream:

I was being held against my will by a tall man who smelled of feces, at one point he was 'mucking' out the area where we went to the bathroom. There was another person there, a boy. I remember him sitting next to me and talking to me and me trying to move away from him but couldn't. Everything was filthy, the sheet I was wrapped in, the couch, the room, him, everything. He had a scraggly beard and looked to be about 40 years old. Later in the dream he realized that someone was coming and I was warned not to tell him (the guest) what had happened. The guest arrived and it was Clint, he sat with me not realizing that I was being held against my will. He didn't seem to care or know about the filth nor was he curious about the filthy sheet I was wrapped in. Because the authorities had discovered the 40-year-old man we set me and the boy free but only after hubby received a FedEx from the authorities (I kept imagining pictures of Hitler). Finally we walk out and I keep commenting to Clint about how nice it is outside and how happy I am to be there....trying to hint to him that I haven't been out in a long time. He doesn't notice. We get to an apartment building and there are a few men there with one woman. She is talking to each, there are about five men, saying she knows how to make each happy then she turns to one and she is unsure how to make him happy. He smiles and the feeling is that he loves her unconditionally. The men and woman start to talk to Clint, the woman starts flirting with him. He alternately appears heavy and thin and shows her how much weight he has lost. I walk away from the group, sad.

This is when I wake up. It's probably *just a dream* but it has stuck with me. I can't shake it...