Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Feeling Gratitude

So I just looked back at all the comments I've had on my blog and realized what an awesome group of people I'm surrounded by. I was pleasantly surprised by those that wrote encouraging thoughts and wanted to express my gratitude to each of you. This has truly been a struggle but knowing that I have awesome friends and family around me (both locally, nationally & internationally) makes it a little more do-able. I appreciate your words of adivce, cheerful comments, suggestions and offering of support. It is really an unexpected perk to blogging, not something that I thought I would ever do on a regular basis.

Today was another low calorie day. :( It's like once I make my mind to be very careful about food intake I get paranoid. I'm having a hard time finding balance. At the beginning of this year it wasn't this hard to find balance...of course I was only teaching one night class. Now I have two night classes and a block class. Besides that Gweny is much more mobile and demands more of my attention. I really need to get a handle on this before it backfires and I end up with other problems. Hopefully I can put some order back into my life this weekend...I just need to make it until then.

1 comment:

Teddi said...

In many ways having active kids and plenty to do can become a blessing. It might help you keep your mind and hands active when cravings strike. I know it does for me - but only if I prepare for those 'on the go' moments when I typically grab the nearest piece of chocolate or high-calorie soda to get me through. A tip from me: keep healthy snacks in your purse and car at all times: jerky, nuts, fruit roll-ups, low-cal granola bars, cheese&crackers or peanut butter crackers. They really aren't that bad, calorie-wise and having them on hand and pre-packaged will save you in the long run! I know you can do it!