Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not enough calories really bites!

Today was kind of depressing. I had two bags of clothes that should have been going to DI but I had to bring them back in the house because I don't have very many clothes that fit me. I've gained too much weight. That was a sad moment as I brought them back...I guess at least now I'll have something to wear. Another thing that happened was I actually started watching what I eat again and I am starving! I don't think I had enough calories and so I guess I'm paying for it now. I need to plan out my meals & snacks better so that this doesn't happen again. I haven't started to exercise yet, I'm just trying to make baby steps. I don't feel like I have nearly enough hours in my day to do all the things I need to. Along with trying to make dietary changes I'm also trying desperately to organize my life. Hopefully as this happens life will get a bit more manageable.

So, the first real day of changing my diet...and it went okay. I definitely have room for improvement but it's a start.

1 comment:

Teddi said...

I believe that although it works against logic - not eating enough can actually thwart your diet attempts! Make sure you're eating every 3-4 hours - at least for me that's the fuel my body works best with. You can try my strategy of eating whatever you want (including junk!) just take what you would normally eat and cut it in half. Throw the other half away (I know it's very difficult to waste food, especially if you grew up in the 'clean plate club' - but what better cause?) or save it for another meal. At the height of my dieting success I was splitting everything in half and eventually half again. Today is a new day - you can do whatever you set your mind to!